Faced with the uncertainty of COVID, many courts have begun conducting motion and evidentiary hearings via Zoom. Over the past year and a half, many of us have gotten used to using Zoom to replace in-person meetings. While there are downsides to court hearings handled virtually, are there advantages as well? Here is a look at a few of the pros for this venue:
1. Timing. In person trials have been backlogged because of COVID, but by using Zoom technology, parties can start to make progress and receive decisions on their cases.
2. Convenience. Litigants do not need to deal with travel to court, parking or security lines, as they can attend the hearings from the comfort of their homes or offices. And, they save money by not having to pay for their lawyers’ travel time either.
3. Witness Credibility. Some judges believe that virtual hearings allow them to truly assess witness credibility. The reason for this: prolonged eye-to-eye contact, often on a large screen in their courtrooms. There are fewer distractions and more focus on the witness than in a traditional courtroom.
4. Exhibits. Video conferencing will force attorneys to be better prepared and reach agreements with opposing counsel as to exhibits.
When COVID eventually winds down, there may be some cases that still use virtual technology.